Wednesday 6 January 2016

Texture mapping

Colour map in use

Colour map:
A colour map is a function that transforms the colours from one image to a target image. This is adding the texture it'self to an image from a UV map so that you can get the shape correct.

Specular map:
Specular map in use
A specular map is the function that defines the surfaces shininess and highlight colour, the lighter it is the shiny it gets (white and black). This helps us define what sort of object we are using if it was a metal we may want to tone up the shininess to help create the object in the 3D environment.

Normal map
Normal map:
A normal map is a technique used to fake lighting, bumping and dents. This is the most important technique and gives us the best outcome for our models.

Other mapping:

Opacity maps: Opacity maps are used to create parts of the model to be opaque, the us of this is to make an object partially transparent. Lighter areas of the render will be opaque.
Opacity map in use

Self-Illumination map being used

Self-Illumination map: They are used to create a glow on an object. This can be used to easily create a light for lamps and bulbs.

PBR rendering:
PBR Rendering in action
PBR rendering is using realistic shading/lighting models to make them look like real life models.

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