Monday 30 November 2015

Observational Drawings

These are my observational drawings, I made a foot pump into a metal robot guy and different objects were changed into monsters/robots, mechanical things.

Thursday 26 November 2015

Robots in reality

The robots that I explain here are very much used in IRL situations and can be helpful, but in the case of a miss-hap, they can go wild, not in a good way.

Wednesday 25 November 2015

Thumbnail drawings

Contextual studies

(So far nothing as I may not have been here during the lessons for valid reasons.)

Project plan

This is our first project plan as what I have started to do, I will need to edit this as I go on and make changes where needed.

Robots in games

These are robots in games, which we should more be looking at, as it is games design. Showing the aspects that we should be including in our robots.

Robots in movies

This is my research into what robots are in movies and what they are used for and by to inspire me to make a better robot.

Mood Board

This is my mood board is made of a few different robots, some recognisable some are pretty rare to come across, the aspects of each or at least one will be implemented in at least my sketches. Using the mood board can give you ideas on what to make, or even develop your exiting robot to make it better.

Monday 23 November 2015

Mind map

This was our Mind map, I used things that popped to mind when I thought of the word Robot, then it expanded. I have 2 ideas of what can be developed.

1: A flaming mechanic Egyptian dinosaur that has lava burning skin. It's like a final boss that wants to take over the world, he starts off as a normal looking dinosaur, but when you knock him into the lava, he comes back as a flaming one.
2: An explosive trap that is aiming to kill you, if you see them, you most likely want to run, they have really good metal as armour and can deploy mouse like stealth bombs, his objective is to stop you and make sure that you don't stop the masters plans.